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What if  Humans are the aliens we’ve been looking for all along? According to experts, humans were most likely crossbred with another species, perhaps from the star system Alpha Centauri –which is one of the closest solar systems to Earth—in the distant past, giving birth to modern humans.

The Only Sci-Fi Explanation of Hominid Aliens that Makes Scientific ...


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12 de jul de 2011 - Your argument that all life on Earth came from a single set of genes is exactly why I find hominid aliens so preposterous. It takes super gene engineering for me to even begin to accept it. 2. Engineering the DNA in part preempts this point, but also we presume that the species was at least warp-capable.


No other species on earth can attribute such unique achievements in such a short period of time. Interestingly, compared to other species of the earth, our ‘evolution’ is relatively short.

It has been a short period of time, most likely a few million years since the first hominid walked on Earth. Precisely this is one of the biggest scientific questions of all times: Why have only our species emerged to this truly advanced technological intelligence?

Evidently,  there is nothing more advanced than humans on planet Earth.


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